Google Certified Educator Exam Voucher for Sale

As part of our partnership with Google and since we operate in a developing country, we recognize that not all educators have access to credit card to pay for the exam certification.

Thus, QSR is offering Google Certified Educator Level 1 and Level 2 exam vouchers for sale. Our rates right now are summarized below:

Certification Google Published Rate (in USD) Cost (in Php)
Google Certified Educator Level 1 $ 10.00 Php 500.00
Google Certified Educator Level 2 $ 25.00 Php 1,250

If you or someone you know wants to buy exam vouchers, please fill-up the form below.

Payment Procedure: To pay for your exam vouchers, we will be sending a summary email containing the total order with the instructions on how to deposit cash payment to our bank account.

Do you have any questions? Send us an email at


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