Paharang National High School has Gone Google

Today is a special day for our Google for Education team at QSR. One of our lighthouse schools had their Gone Google day earlier today. We started working with them November of last year. In the months to follow, we provided off-site support but the tenacity to keep going for the Gone Google project is theirs alone and for this we would like to congratulate Ms. Indeed Bruce (ICT Coordinator) and Principal Ray Guno for working hard and supporting this project.

During the Gone Google launched today, it was wonderful to see everyone's enthusiasm and commitment to have a successful Gone Google launch. Our team was happy and proud to see that not only the project team were all out for this project but even the teachers, parents, and student representatives of the incoming Senior High School. It was truly a community effort to ensure that Google Apps for Education will be used by Paharang National High School.

This kind of activities truly makes our work and advocacy truly worthwhile. We want to help YOUR school with its Gone Google journey as well. Send us an email at or visit to learn more on how we can help you Go Google.


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